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Displaying 1—10 of 1000 matches for query "May_1919" retrieved in 0.003 sec with these stats:

  • "may" found 54014 times in 6857 documents
  • "1919" found 472 times in 82 documents

... 1919 30 May 1919 May May 1 1919 1 May 2 1919 2 May 3 1919 3 May 4 1919 4 May 5 1919 5 May 6 1919 6 May 7 1919 7 May 8 1919 8 May 9 1919 9 May 10 1919 10 May 11 1919 11 May 12 1919 12 May 13 1919 13 May 14 1919 14 May 15 1919 15 May ...
... made machine-gun firing tests from seaplane and first night seaplane flights using floodlights. In May 1919, he commanded the NC-1 in transatlantic flight to the Azores, damage to aircraft ended ... Force. May 1962 May May 1 1962 1 May 2 1962 2 May 3 1962 3 May 4 1962 4 May 5 1962 5 May 6 1962 6 May 7 1962 7 May 8 1962 8 May 9 1962 9 May 10 1962 10 May ...
... ' energy indicated origin from natural source such as white dwarf stars or neutron stars. CP-1919, one of three pulsars observed, was weakest source ever recorded. At 2293 mc, signal was ... , 32)'' May 1968 May May 1 1968 1 May 2 1968 2 May 3 1968 3 May 4 1968 4 May 5 1968 5 May 6 1968 6 May 7 1968 7 May 8 1968 8 May 9 1968 9 May 10 1968 10 May ...
... anniversary of first nonstop transatlantic flight by John W. Alcock and Arthur W. Brown in 1919. Nearly 400 entrants devised combinations of land, sea, and air transportation to compete for 21 ... , 93)'' May 1969 May May 1 1969 1 May 2 1969 2 May 3 1969 3 May 4 1969 4 May 5 1969 5 May 6 1969 6 May 7 1969 7 May 8 1969 8 May 9 1969 9 May 10 1969 10 May ...
... . Rocket and instruments functioned satisfactorily. ''(NASA Proj Off)'' Smithsonian Institution celebrated 50th anniversary of May 8, 1919, takeoff of first aircraft to cross Atlantic Ocean with display on Washington, D.C., mall ... , S4688)'' May 1969 May May 1 1969 1 May 2 1969 2 May 3 1969 3 May 4 1969 4 May 5 1969 5 May 6 1969 6 May 7 1969 7 May 8 1969 8 May 9 1969 9 May 10 ...
1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919
Article in Electrical Experimenter magazine about low gravity on Eros. Image:EE 1919-09.jpg 300px
May 8-29: First transatlantic flight by LCdr. Albert C. Read and crew in Navy. plane NC-4.
First aerial observations of schools of fish made by U.S. Bureau of Fisheries with cooperation of naval aircraft, at Cape May, N.J.
... , A5)'' May 1969 May May 1 1969 1 May 2 1969 2 May 3 1969 3 May 4 1969 4 May 5 1969 5 May 6 1969 6 May 7 1969 7 May 8 1969 8 May 9 1969 9 May 10 1969 10 May 11 1969 11 May 12 1969 12 May 13 1969 13 May 14 1969 14 May 15 1969 15 May 16 1969 16 May 17 1969 17 May 18 1969 18 May 19 1969 19 May ...

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