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Displaying 1—10 of 625 matches for query "Movie" retrieved in 0.000 sec with these stats:

  • "movi" found 966 times in 707 documents

Above numbers may include documents not listed due to search options.

... entertainment. Music would be important for people to experience, too. What kind of music or movies would people in space want to listen to and enjoy during a time of needed ... just for fun? When in space for a long time, would people want to see movies about life back on Earth or more science fiction? You could bring some movies with you and find out. While on your trip, maybe you could design a line ...
The code in the following box is an example for making a Movie page. Cut and paste the text in this box and change the text to the ... min. (2000 restoration) language = Silent film
German language German intertitles country = Germany budget = Category:Movie Infobox film name = Woman in the Moon image = Image:Frau_im_mond_poster ...
REDIRECT The Flight Of Faith 7 - 1963 Movie Category:Movie
... fun to float in space, and yes, you would float like the astronauts in the movies, but better since you are actually in space ---- Answer provided by Byron Lichtenberg, Ph.D ...
File:Aeromedical Research- Pioneers Of The Vertical Frontier - 1967.mp4 Category:Movie
File:Aeronautics And Space Report For 1967-Apollo 4 XB-70.mp4 Category:Movie
File:Aeronautics And Space Report For 1968- X-15 XB-70 Apollo 8.mp4 Category:Movie
File:Aeronautics And Space Report For 1970 - Apollo 13.mp4 Category:Movie
File:Aeronautics And Space Report For 1971 - Apollo 14 YF-12 B-52.mp4 Category:Movie
File:Aeronautics And Space Report For 1972 - Apollo 16 and 17.mp4 Category:Movie

Additional database time was 0.032 sec.

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