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Displaying 1—10 of 1000 matches for query "Readdy,_William_F." retrieved in 0.002 sec with these stats:
- "readdi" found 109 times in 83 documents
- "william" found 3245 times in 2232 documents
- "f" found 5192 times in 2663 documents
REDIRECT William F. Readdy
Category:Kids To Space - Authors
... ;
title = William F. Readdy
titlestyle =
image = Image:Astronaut_readdy.jpg 200px
imagestyle =
caption = William F. Readdy
captionstyle =
headerstyle = background: ccf;
labelstyle = background: ddf;
datastyle = text-align:right;
header1 =
label1 =
data1 =
header2 =
label2 = Birth Name
data2 = William F. Readdy
header3 =
label3 ...
... = William F. Fisher
titlestyle =
image = Image:Astronaut_fisher.jpg 200px
imagestyle =
caption = William F. Fisher
captionstyle =
headerstyle = background: ccf;
labelstyle = background: ddf;
datastyle = text-align:right;
header1 =
label1 =
data1 =
header2 =
label2 = Birth Name
data2 = William F ... technical assignments to date include: scientific equipment operator for high altitude research on the WB57-F aircraft (1980-1981); astronaut medical support for the first four Shuttle missions (1980-1982); astronaut ...
REDIRECT William F. Fisher
REDIRECT William F. Readdy
REDIRECT William F. Readdy
REDIRECT William F. Readdy
... thought.
Nonetheless, I applied through the normal procedures. I went to my
congressional representative, Albert William Watson back then, and my
two state senators, J. Strom Thurmond and Olin D. Johnston ... job. I worked for a fellow named William B. Bill
Lenoir, Dr. Bill Lenoir, another physicist. And Sally Ride, Anna L.
Fisher, John M. Fabian, William F. Bill Fisher, a number of us ...
REDIRECT William F. Fisher
... , which we call space junk.
Answer provided by Alan Hale, Ph.D. & Capt. USN (Ret.) William Readdy
Image:K2S logosmall.jpg Question and Answer extracted from the book Kids to Space - by ...
Additional database time was 0.087 sec.
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