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Displaying 1—10 of 1000 matches for query "Rominger,_Kent_V." retrieved in 0.002 sec with these stats:
- "roming" found 36 times in 16 documents
- "kent" found 65 times in 52 documents
- "v" found 3624 times in 2005 documents
REDIRECT Kent V. Rominger
... ;
title = Kent V. Rominger
titlestyle =
image = Image:Astronaut_rominger.jpg 200px
imagestyle =
caption = Kent V. Rominger
captionstyle =
headerstyle = background: ccf;
labelstyle = background: ddf;
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label2 = Birth Name
data2 = Kent V. Rominger
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label3 ...
REDIRECT Kent V. Rominger
... recover from the cancellation of the CF-105 project. On December 18th 1959 the A.V. Roe parent company, Hawker Siddeley, purchased De Havilland and began the consolidation of the two Canadian aircraft companies.
A.V. Roe's Canadian Applied Research Applied Research Division was merged with De Havilland's Special ...
... Program (Phase One) Booster Feasibility Demonstration (13 October 1958)
Media:1958-11-15 Juno V.pdf Juno V Space Vehicle Development Program (Status Report (15 November 1958)
Media:1958-12 NASA ABMA.pdf ABMA Presentation to the NASA (15 December 1958)
Media:1959-01-05 Juno V.pdf Juno V Transportation Feasibility Study (5 January 1959)
Media:1959-05-01 ABMA Soft Lunar Landing ...
... performance military rockets can provide about 3300 feet per second of delta V. Space travel requires a very large delta V. The first objective of a launch to space is to get ... LEO from the Earth's surface requires about 30,000 feet per second of delta V. To escape the Earth's gravity field from LEO requires another 9,800 feet per ... . Landing on the Moon or other planets and returning home requires even more total delta V capability.
Answer provided by John W. Cole
Image:K2S logosmall.jpg Question and Answer extracted ...
... Society for Volume 64 64
'''Page ''' - 204-213
'''Year''' - 2011
'''Keywords''' - Interplanetary trajectory, C3, delta-V, pork-chop plot, launch window, Mars, Venus flyby
'''JBIS Reference Code ''' - 2011.64.204
'''Number ... which is capable of calculating ballistic interplanetary trajectories with planetary flyby options to create exhaustive V contour plots for both direct trajectories without flybys and flyby trajectories in a single chart ...
... = background: ddf;
datastyle = text-align:right;
header1 =
label1 =
data1 =
header2 =
label2 = Birth Name
data2 = Elena V. Kondakova
header3 =
label3 = Birth Date
data3 = Mar 30 1957
header4 =
label4 = Birth Place
data4 =
label5 ... Works
data9 =
Personal Data
Born March 30, 1957, in Mitischi, Moscow Region. Married to Valerii V. Ryumin,Born 1939 in Komsomolskna-Amure, Kharbarovsk Region, Russia. They have one child. Kondakova enjoys ...
... Floyd V. Bennett - Interviewed by Jennifer Ross-Nazzal'''
'''Houston, Texas – 22 October 2003
'''Ross-Nazzal:''' Today is ... our fellows on the console,
Willis M. Bolt, Dan Joe D. Payne, and Jim James V. West and I’ve
left someone out , Jim James H. Alphin. And they were in ...
The Saturn V Apollo Lunar Orbital Rendezvous Planning Guide is a reprint of a rare document from the ... fold-out of the Apollo mission as well as a fold-out of the Saturn V moon rocket. It includes illustrations of early iterations of the Lunar Module, maps of the ... schedules for all of the Apollo test flights, detailed specifications and schematics of the Saturn V launch vehicle stages, construction schedules, engine summaries, information on the VAB, mobile crawlers, Umbilical towers ...
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