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Displaying 1—3 of 3 matches for query "SpaceDev" retrieved in 0.000 sec with these stats:

  • "spacedev" found 6 times in 3 documents

... , about US$200 million less than NASA's budget for a comparable mission. Benson and SpaceDev entered the realm of space exploration with overtly capitalist intentions. Benson planned to sell the data the company gathered to NASA and to universities for profit. Additionally, SpaceDev consultants estimated that asteroids might contain significant deposits of gold and other precious metals, worth ...
... five. According to the new non-reimbursable Space Act agreements with Constellations Services International (CSI), SpaceDev , and Spacehab, NASA pledged to provide the three firms with up-to-date technical requirements ... , and operations needed to transport cargo to and from a low-Earth-orbit destination. Additionally, SpaceDev would develop the vehicles, systems, and operations needed for crew transport. NASA hoped that the ...
... the US DynaSoar project and even Jim Benson’s designs for a spaceplane developed at SpaceDev and the Benson Space Company that were predecessors of SNC. The motor, however, no longer ...

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