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From The Space Library
Displaying 1—10 of 1000 matches for query "Special_Projects_Special_Projects" retrieved in 0.004 sec with these stats:
- "special" found 3293 times in 2357 documents
- "project" found 9911 times in 4957 documents
... Special Projects Applied Research'', otherwise known as SPAR Aerospace, was formed out of a merger between the A.V. Roe Canada subsidiary '' Canadian Applied Research '' and the De Havilland Canada subsidiary, ''Special Projects''. The ...
... ''' - 2011
'''Keywords''' - Project Daedalus, Project Icarus, interstellar travel
'''JBIS Reference Code ''' - 2011.64.88
'''Number of Pages''' - 4
A brief summary is presented on the origins and aims of Project Icarus, the ... technical papers presented in this special issue as well as discussing some of the early history regarding the formation of Project Icarus. This is a submission of the Project Icarus Study Group.
'''To ...
... 64
'''Page ''' - 17-23
'''Year''' - 2011
'''Keywords''' - Interstellar, Project Daedalus, Project Icarus, update
'''JBIS Reference Code ''' - 2011.64.17
'''Number of Pages''' - 7
Project Deadalus was a ground-breaking theoretical engineering study ... development steps and other aspects as considered appropriate. Project Icarus was launched in September 2009 at a BIS symposium in London and, as the Project is still on-going, this paper presents ...
... 64
'''Page ''' - 358-371
'''Year''' - 2011
'''Keywords''' - Project Daedalus, Project Icarus, Interstellar Studies
'''JBIS Reference Code ''' - 2011.64.358
'''Number of Pages''' - 14
Project Icarus is a theoretical design study of an ... of down selecting design options. This paper represents a progress report on Project Icarus and is a submission of the Project Icarus Study Group.
'''To BUY this paper click http ...
'''To BUY this paper click http ...
... Project Constellation is NASA's initiative to develop a replacement for the aging Space Shuttle. It' ... of the elements of the Project Constellation, from the Lunar Precursor Robotic Program to the Orion spacecraft, Ares launch vehicles, and the Lunar Surface Access Module. Project Constellation is realizing President Bush ...
... satellite vehicle program called Vanguard. Written by one of the top engineers associated with the project, it provides a surprisingly well-balanced account of the background and developments that led to ... , the hundreds of virtually useless meetings and committees that characterize the modern way of handling projects, and the strong meaning of politics in science and engineering.
Extracted from the 1962 Publication ...
... Interplanetary Society for Volume 65 65
'''Page ''' - 225-231
'''Year''' - 2012
'''Keywords''' - Interstellar flight, Project Icarus, Project Daedalus
'''JBIS Reference Code ''' - 2012.65.225
'''Number of Pages''' - 7
Interstellar missions have ...
... '''
by Gatland, K. W. (ed)
''New York, 1958: British Book Centre, 169 pages, $5.00''
Project Satellite contains four chapters by Wernher von Braun (rocket history in Germany and planning for ...
Media:1963_Project_Gemini_Chamberlin_.pdf Project Gemini Design Philosophy by James Chamberlin (PDF)
by Braun, W. von
''Urbana (Illinois), 1953: University of Illinois Press, 91 pages, $3.95''
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