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Displaying 1—10 of 1000 matches for query "Titan_III-E" retrieved in 0.002 sec with these stats:

  • "titan" found 1397 times in 780 documents
  • "iii" found 2621 times in 1283 documents
  • "e" found 6413 times in 4071 documents

... Martin Marietta at that time, who had developed the Titan II. As you know, the Titan II was selected to put the Gemini astronauts into space. ... I never heard anybody with a negative philosophy. I think after vehicle number III, it changed a lot of things. '''Wright:''' There were a lot of ... -A-R-T-O-N, in capital letters, dash, Free, F-R-E-E, dash, Way. It was put on a dark green background with black ...
... Composite Air to Ground and Voice Transcript April 1965 Gemini Titan 3 transcript air to ground transmission March 23 1965 Gemini Titan 3 transcript supplemental March 23 1965 Click on "Search" instead ...
... Kraft and the people that were interfacing with Martin Marietta at the time for the Titan Program…we interfaced with some of the military people on the West Coast. Wasn't ... think he's about sixty-eight. Another stalwart that I think of is Cliff Clifford E. Charlesworth, who was a deputy center director for a period of time. I always had ... :''' Well, we had two serious losses here in the last three weeks. We lost the Titan 4 and then we lost the Delta 3. Everybody, even the people that have absolutely ...
... SPACE FLIGHT''' by Adams, C. C., F. I. Ordway, III, H. E. Canney, Jr., and R. C. Wakeford ''New York, 1958: McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc., 373 ... an Astronomical Supplement - A History of Astronautical Book Literature 1931 - 1961.'' by Frederick I. Ordway III Category:Annotated Bibliography of Space Science and Technology by Frederick I. Ordway ...
... RESEARCH: SATELLITES AND PROBLEMS OF LONG RANGE DETECTION AND TRACKING''' by Glazier, E. V. D., E. Rechtin and J. Voge (eds) ''New York, 1960: Pergamon Press, Inc., 257 pages, $10.00 ... an Astronomical Supplement - A History of Astronautical Book Literature 1931 - 1961.'' by Frederick I. Ordway III Category:Annotated Bibliography of Space Science and Technology by Frederick I. Ordway ...
... AVIATION AND SPACE DICTIONARY''' by Gentle, E. J., and C. E. Chapel ''Los Angeles, 1961: Aero Publishers, Inc., 450 pages, $10.00'' Definitions of more than ... an Astronomical Supplement - A History of Astronautical Book Literature 1931 - 1961.'' by Frederick I. Ordway III Category:Annotated Bibliography of Space Science and Technology by Frederick I. Ordway ...
... is a useful historical work offering a thorough coverage of World War II rocket development, e.g., Bazooka aircraft rockets, bombardment and beach barrage rockets. Another of the "Science in ... an Astronomical Supplement - A History of Astronautical Book Literature 1931 - 1961.'' by Frederick I. Ordway III Category:Annotated Bibliography of Space Science and Technology by Frederick I. Ordway ...
... ROCKETS THROUGH SPACE''' by Cleator, P.E. ''New York, 1936: Simon and Schuster, 227 pages, OP'' Great Britain's earliest contribution to ... an Astronomical Supplement - A History of Astronautical Book Literature 1931 - 1961.'' by Frederick I. Ordway III Category:Annotated Bibliography of Space Science and Technology by Frederick I. Ordway ...
... COMING AGE OF ROCKET POWER''' by Pendray, G. E. ''New York, 1945: Harper and Brothers, 244 pages, OP'' The author has written a good ... an Astronomical Supplement - A History of Astronautical Book Literature 1931 - 1961.'' by Frederick I. Ordway III Category:Annotated Bibliography of Space Science and Technology by Frederick I. Ordway ...
... INTO SPACE''' by Cleator, P. E. ''London, 1953: George Allen and Unwin, Ltd., 159 pages, $3.50'' By the founder of ... an Astronomical Supplement - A History of Astronautical Book Literature 1931 - 1961.'' by Frederick I. Ordway III Category:Annotated Bibliography of Space Science and Technology by Frederick I. Ordway ...

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