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From The Space Library
Displaying 1—10 of 118 matches for query "Valeri_Polyakov" retrieved in 0.000 sec with these stats:
- "valeri" found 146 times in 120 documents
- "polyakov" found 12 times in 11 documents
Above numbers may include documents not listed due to search options.
... ;
labelstyle = background: ddf;
datastyle = text-align:right;
header1 =
label1 =
data1 =
header2 =
label2 = Birth Name
data2 = Valery Ivanovich Tokarev
header3 =
label3 = Birth Date
data3 = Oct 29 1952
header4 =
label4 = Birth Place
data4 ... of Rostov, Yaroslavl Region. His father, Ivan Pavlovich, died in an auto accident in 1972. Valery Tokarev enjoys tennis, automobiles and airplanes.
In 1973 he graduated from the Stavropol Higher ...
... Infobox
bodystyle = float:right; valign:top;
title = Valery Grigorievich Korzun
titlestyle =
image = Image:Astronaut_korzun.jpg 200px
imagestyle =
caption = Valery Grigorievich Korzun
captionstyle =
headerstyle = background: ccf;
labelstyle = background: ddf;
datastyle = text-align:right;
header1 =
label1 =
data1 =
header2 =
label2 = Birth Name
data2 = Valery Grigorievich Korzun
header3 =
label3 = Birth Date
data3 = Mar 5 1953
header4 =
label4 = Birth Place
data4 ...
... Infobox
bodystyle = float:right; valign:top;
title = Valery Victorovitch Ryumin
titlestyle =
image = Image:Astronaut_ryumin.jpg 200px
imagestyle =
caption = Valery Victorovitch Ryumin
captionstyle =
headerstyle = background: ccf;
labelstyle = background: ddf;
datastyle = text-align:right;
header1 =
label1 =
data1 =
header2 =
label2 = Birth Name
data2 = Valery Victorovitch Ryumin
header3 =
label3 = Birth Date
data3 = Aug 16 1939
header4 =
label4 = Birth Place
data4 ...
REDIRECT Valery Grigorievich Korzun
REDIRECT Valery Victorovitch Ryumin
REDIRECT Valery Ivanovich Tokarev
REDIRECT Valery Ivanovich Tokarev
REDIRECT Valeriy Nikolayevich Kubasov
... , and Valeri Polyakov) remained on MIR for another twenty-five days, marking the longest period a six-person crew had been in orbit. After the previous crew returned to Earth, Krikalev, Polyakov, and ...
... two-man crew aboard the Mir space station on the week-long mission. The physician, Valery Polyakov, was to remain aboard Mir after the departure of his Soyuz crew-mates and continue ...
Additional database time was 0.034 sec.
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