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Displaying 1—10 of 1000 matches for query "Zenit_rocket" retrieved in 0.002 sec with these stats:
- "zenit" found 46 times in 36 documents
- "rocket" found 16809 times in 6688 documents
Image:Zenitcheckup.jpg 300px
The Zenit satellite, assembly and check before flight.
Image:Zenitmating.jpg 300px
The Zenit satellite is prepared for mating with the rocket.
Image:Zenit2.jpg 500px
The Zenit-2 satellite. It was the first special-purpose unmanned satellite from which Earth photography was performed.
Image:Zenit4.jpg 500px
The Zenit-4 satellite.
... this introductory note into seven parts, as follows:
1. Comments on a Chemical Rocket versus a Nuclear Rocket Space Program: The Static versus the Dynamic
2. General Comments on Nuclear Rocketry
3 ... About Profitability? Or, How Much Money Can Be Made?
Comments on a Chemical Rocket versus a Nuclear Rocket Space Program: The Static versus the Dynamic
I’ll cover the basic stuff first ...
... of Rocket Propellants
Some Possibilities for Rocket Propellants
Liquid Propellant Rocket Power Plants
Liquid Rocket Motor Testing
March 1948
Rocket Motors Project Heavy Steel Cables
Present and Future of Rockets
The Acid-Aniline Rocket Engine ...
... and other media of the day. Put another way, technologically-speaking these rocket car, rocket airplane (and later rocket railroad and even rocket ice-sled) stunts - some by Valier - had no connection whatsoever to ... to VfR), Die Rakete, 15 April 1928, p. 64. For more on the rocket cars, rocket planes, and other rocket stunts in Germany at this time, consult, Frank H. Winter, "1928- 1929 Forerunners ...
... you to share a tour with demonstrations and experiments in the new and first Rocket Flight Place (Rocket Test Site) in Berlin in Reinickendorf-West, on Tegeler Weg (Tegeler Way).” “A Marvel ... ,” VfR, (''Mitteilungen'', 1 November 1930, p. 3; Pendray, “The German Rockets,” p. 5; Ley, ''Rockets, Missiles'', p. 139; Ley, “The End of the Rocket Society (– Part 1),” p. 75.
note 14
... systems (with larger motors), we first need to briefly cover a new series of rockets and their rocket motors, known as the ''Repulsors''. ref 9
The ''Repulsors ''And The VfR's First ... >Pendray, “The German Rockets,” p. 6; Ley, ''Missiles, Rockets'', pp. 140-141, 154; Nebel, ''Die Narren'', pp. 103-105.
note 2 Pendray, “The German Rockets,” p. 7; Ley, ''Missiles, Rockets'', pp. 140 ...
... the flight and the inscription, "The first manned rocket flight of the Magdeburg Pilot Rocket: Sunday after Pentecost, 1933.") ref 8
The unmanned rocket now quickly built to make the ascent stood 280 ... . Then, in the ''Raketenflug'' Nr. 2 for March 1932, Nebel ran the article “Powder Rockets – Liquid Propellant Rockets, A Comparison,” that quite rightly demonstrated far superior exhaust velocities of liquid propellants over ...
... .” The apparent Nazi-governmental imposition upon both private rocket experimentation and rocket groups as well as a censorship on the mention of the word “rocket,” for potential military use, are other areas that ... classify or describe ''all ''the membership in general, such as “the amateur group,” “the rocket engineers,” “the rocket enthusiasts,” “the Raketenflugplatz enthusiasts,” or simply, “the enthusiasts,” although in truth, there were hundreds ...
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