Jul 31 1987

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Rear Admiral Richard H. Truly, Associate Administrator for Space Flight, announced NASA had completed negotiations with Rockwell International to build a replacement Space Shuttle orbiter. The new orbiter would contain existing structural spares, but would also feature the latest technology evolving from the current return-to-flight activities. The new Space Shuttle orbiter was expected to be ready for use within 45 months. (NASA Release 87-117)

NASA said it had completed negotiations with Rockwell International Corporation for a new Space Shuttle. The new space vehicle, to replace the Challenger lost in the 1986 accident, was expected to be delivered in April 1991. The cost of the new Space Shuttle was estimated at $1.3 billion. (C Trib, Aug 2/87; H Post, Aug 1/87; LA Times, Aug 1/87; B Sun, Aug 1/87)

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