Feb 26 1973

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Representatives from 16 companies had visited Lewis Research Center's Plum Brook Station to interview personnel affected by the Station's closing, which would begin July 1973, LeRC announced. A special Outplacement Service Office, set up at LeRC, had prepared resumes, sought job opportunities, and arranged interviews for highly trained displaced engineering and technical personnel. (LeRC Release 73-10a)

Johnson Space Center announced award of a one-year, $9300 000 con­tract to Northrop Services, Inc., for operational and maintenance sup­port services to JSC laboratories and test facilities. (JSC Release 73-21)

Sen. John J. Sparkman (D-Ala.), for himself and Sen. James B. Allen (D-Ala.), introduced S.J.R. 69 to authorize the President to proclaim July 20 of each year as National Space Day commemorating July 20. 1969, lunar landing of Apollo 11. (CR, 2/26/73, 53213)

President Nixon announced the designation of Robert D. Timm Chairman of Civil Aeronautics Board, effective March 2. He would succeed re­tiring Secor D. Browne. The President also accepted the resignation of the first NASA Administrator, Dr. T. Keith Glennan, as U.S. Representa­tive to International Atomic Energy Agency. He submitted to the Senate the nomination of Alexander P. Butterfield to be Federal Avia­tion Administrator. (PD, 2/26/73, 189, 244; 3/5/73, 192)

February 26-March 3: The NASA and Soviet Academy of Sciences Joint Working Group on Space Biology and Medicine met in Moscow to exchange information on preliminary biomedical results of the Apollo 17 mission (Dec. 7-9, 1972) and Soviet research in weightlessness model­ing. The Group agreed on common procedures to test body negative pressure, to make active orthostatic evaluations, and to make biochemical blood and urine studies, permitting comparison of pre- and postflight data on body functions. The Group also discussed biological experi­ments in space and countermeasures to weightlessness. The U.S. delega­tion-headed by Dr. Charles A. Berry, NASA Director of Life Sciences­visited Soviet medical research facilities and the Gagarin Center for Cosmonaut Training. They examined spacecraft trainers, medical equip­ment used for cosmonaut training and evaluation, and medical instru­mentation used on Salyut spacecraft. The Soviet delegation was headed by Dr. R. N. Gurovsky. The next meeting would be held in the U.S. in late 1973 or early 1974. (NASA Release 73-79)

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