Jul 3 1992

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NASA launched the first of its new, low-cost spacecraft, the Solar, Anomalous, and Magnetospheric Particle Explorer satellite (SAMPEX) aboard a four-stage Scout rocket from Vandenberg Air Force Base, California. The spacecraft was designed to study anomalous cosmic rays in an effort to improve understanding of the evolution of the Sun, the solar system, and the Milky Way Galaxy. (NASA Release 29-102; The Sun, Jul 4/92; P Inq, Jul 4/92; W Times, Jul 4/92; W Post, Jul 4/92; LA Times, Jul 5/92; NY Times, Jul 5/92)

Space Shuttle Columbia Commander Richard N. Richards made a pitch today for the Space Station Freedom, saying that astronauts on the Columbia Shuttle flight needed more time in orbit to conduct scheduled experiments. Such time would be available on the Space Station, which had experienced funding difficulties in Congress. Two Shuttle astronauts worked though part of their breaks as they rushed to complete experiments, one dealing with the growth of crystals and the other with dust particles. (W Post, Jul 4/92)

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