Jul 30 1998

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NASA announced the selection of veteran cosmonaut Sergei K. Krikalev for the crew of Mission STS-88, the first American ISS assembly mission. In December 1998, Krikalev would join aboard Endeavour Commander Robert D. Cabana, Pilot Frederick W. “Rick” Sturckow, and Mission Specialists Nancy J. Currie, Jerry L. Ross, and James H. Newman. NASA had assigned Mission STS-88 the task of attaching the U.S.-built Unity module to the Russian-built Zarya control module, scheduled to launch in November 1998. Krikalev had been a member of two Mir space station crews and had flown aboard the Space Shuttle as a member of the Mission STS-60 crew in February 1994. During Mission STS-60, Krikalev had operated the robotic arm and supported a variety of experiments in materials science.

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