Apr 20 1968

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U.S.S.R. successfully launched Cosmos CCXVI. Orbital parame­ters: apogee, 265 km (164.7 mi) ; perigee, 195 km (121.2 mi) ; period, 89.1 min; and inclination, 51.8°. Satellite reentered April 28. (Ander­son, NYT, 4/21/68, 28; W Star, 4/21/68, A5; GSFC SSR, 4/30/68)

NASA Astrobee 1500 sounding rocket launched from NASA Wallops Sta­tion carried Univ. of Minnesota experiment to 776-mi (1,250-km) alti­tude to study levels of electric and magnetic field variations in magne­tosphere, check operation of antenna systems for use on satellite, and verify vehicle design changes. Rocket performed satisfactorily. Instru­mentation suffered partial failure, but cause had not been determined. (NASA Rpt SRL)

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