12. How big is the biggest robot? How small is the smallest one? (A K2S Question)

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Lunakhod 1 and 2, the Russian rovers on the Moon, were both around the same size: 1,850 pounds. Compared to the two Martian rovers, Spirit and Opportunity that are each only 400 pounds, it is easy to see which are the biggest. CanadArm 2, on the ISS, is still the largest in mass and length, at 3,530 pounds and 56 feet long. Of course, it didn't need to travel as far as either the Moon or Mars rovers. It is an important fact that the farther away a robot has to travel, the lighter it should be. The lighter something is, the cheaper it is to send into space. The smallest is the American rover Sojourner, launched to Mars in 1997. It weighed only 23 pounds.

Answer provided by CAF Capt. Marc Fricker

Image:K2S logosmall.jpg Question and Answer extracted from the book Kids to Space - by Lonnie Schorer