Apr 2 1968

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NASA and German Federal Ministry for Scientific Research (BMWF) were conducting series of four sounding rocket launches from Thumba Equatorial Rocket Launching Station (TERLS) to study upper atmosphere near Equator. NASA Nike-Apache sounding rockets ejected barium clouds between 90- and 120-mi altitudes to investigate electric fields in upper atmosphere region of intense electric current. Results would be available to world scientific community. BMWF was responsi­ble for chemical payloads, photographic equipment, and cloud observa­tion; Indian National Committee for Space Research provided launch services; and NASA supplied sounding rockets and rocket launcher. (NASA Release 68-58)

President Johnson, in letter transmitting to Congress Fifth Annual Re­port on Communications Satellite Act of 1962, said: "[Report] reflects . . . steady progress toward the ultimate goal of providing mankind with new capabilities for worldwide communication. In the brief span of five years, satellite technology has grown dynamically. The possibili­ties envisioned in 1962 have been greatly exceeded." Communications, he said, must provide " 'network for knowledge' so that all peoples can share the scientific, educational, and cultural advances of this planet. . . . "Failure to reach these goals can only contribute to apathy, igno­rance, poverty and despair in a very large part of the world. Success in our telecommunications policies can be a critical link in our search for the understanding and tolerance from which peace springs. Communi­cation by satellite is a tool-one of the most promising which mankind has had thus far-to attain this end." (Text; AP, W Star, 4/3/68, A7; PD, 4/8/68, 637)

Senate Armed Services Committee, after hearing DOD witnesses in closed session, voted to appropriate $297 million-including $170 million for contract definition of Navy VFX-1 as possible replacement for F-111B -for continuation of USN's fighter-bomber program and procurement of F-4J Phantom jet aircraft. Committee had voted March 28 to deny the funds. Contract definition phase was expected to take 8-12 mo. (W Star, 4/3/68, A8)

Dr. John C. Houbolt, Executive Vice President of Aeronautical Research Associates of Princeton, Inc., received AIAA Structures and Materials Award for his "original, definitive, and continuous research leading to the use of random processes in aircraft gust loads design." (SBD, 4/4/68, 199)

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