Jun 23 1970

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U.S.S.R. launched Meteor V weather satellite into orbit with 888-km (551.8-mi) apogee, 830-km (515.7-km) perigee, 102.0-min period, and 81.2° inclination. Spacecraft would photograph cloud and snow cover and collect weather data, Tass announced. (GSFC SSR, 6/30/70; AP, C Trib, 6/25/70)

Astronaut L. Gordon Cooper, Jr., one of seven original Mercury astronauts, was resigning effective July 31 to become President of National Exhibits, Inc., and member of Board and engineering consultant to Intersales, Inc., in Washington, D.C., NASA announced. Cooper had participated in Faith 7 mission launched May 15, 1963, and eight-day Gemini V mission launched Aug. 21, 1965. (NASA Release 70-103)

Tass said doctor attending Soyuz IX Cosmonauts Andrian G. Nikolayev and Vitaly I. Sevastyanov had found "certain instability" in their cardiovascular systems, indicating cosmonauts had not yet adapted to earth gravity. Soviet medical authorities were speculating that simulated gravity might be necessary in spacecraft. (AP, W Post, 6/24/70, A3)

USNS Vanguard, seagoing tracking station of NASA Manned Space Flight Network, joined OSSA-GSFC-Wallops Station mapping expedition to measure cavity in ocean surface over deepest spot in Atlantic five-mile-deep Puerto Rico Trench. Vanguard would sail across cavity making precise navigation and gravity: measurements while its radar tracked NASA's GEOS II satellite orbiting overhead. Underwater transponders would provide local geodetic control point for referencing ship's position in support of onboard navigation system. Purpose of mission was to provide calibration standard for altimeter planned for use aboard GEOS satellite scheduled for 1972 launch. (NASA Release 70-108)

At Detroit press conference, Apollo 13 Astronaut Fred W. Haise, Jr., commenting on Soyuz IX mission, said he was "very happy to see the Russians back in space." He predicted U.S.-U.S.S.R. cooperation in space stations. "In the hostile environment of space it will be like the stations in the Antarctic where all nations help each other." Haise was in Detroit to address 55th annual Kiwanis International Convention. (AP, B News, 6/25170)

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