Sep 27 2000

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Arianespace, the France-based European satellite launch company, announced that it had won a contract to launch three more satellites for INTELSAT, the international satellite corporation based in Washington, DC. Arianespace already held a contract to launch three other satellites in the INTELSAT IX series. INTELSAT had scheduled six of the series' seven spacecraft for launch from mid-2001 through the end of 2002, on Ariane 4 or Ariane 5 launch vehicles, from Europe's spaceport in French Guiana. California-based Space Systems/Loral was building the 4.7-tonne (4,700-kilogram or 5.2-ton) satellites. In 1965 INTELSAT had launched the world's first commercial communications satellite, Early Bird.

Lockheed Martin announced that for the third time in four years, the Air Traffic Control Association had awarded the company its Industry Award, recognizing Lockheed's outstanding achievement in and contribution to the science of air traffic control. The award specifically recognized Lockheed Martin Air Traffic Management for its worldwide support of air traffic-control systems. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), the German Civil Aviation Authority, and the United Kingdom's National Air Traffic Services Ltd. Had all nominated the company for the award.

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