May 3 1991

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Space News for this day. (1MB PDF)

The House of Representatives voted to authorize NASA to spend $14.9 billion in the next fiscal year, about $500 billion less than President Bush had requested. The approval included the full $2 billion Bush sought for Space Station Freedom. Concurrently, the House directed the National Academy of Sciences to study whether the goals of the Space Station could be achieved more cheaply by other means. (W Post, May 3/91; W Times, May 3/91; WSJ, May 3/91; NY Times, May 3/91 Astronauts on Space Shuttle Discovery aimed a research satellite at rocket fuel spewed in space, then captured the satellite and put it back in the Shuttle's cargo bay. (W Post, May 3/91; WSJ, May 3/91; NY Times, May 3/91; LA Times, May 3/91; AP, May 3/91; UPI, May 3/91)

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