Jul 6 1993

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Senator James M. Jeffords and a group of House members last month introduced an amendment to the Commercial Space Launch Act of 1984 to prohibit the Department of Transportation from licensing a payload that would result in advertising from space. The amendment was in response to a proposal by Space Marketing Inc. of Roswell, Georgia, to launch a mile-long inflatable billboard into space. The company planned to stuff the billboard in a satellite; after the satellite reached orbit, it would open and the billboard would jump out like "a giant life raft." Opposition to the billboard was spearheaded by a lobbying effort, "Save Our Skies," put together by 30 state chapters of Public Interest Research Groups. (W Post, Jul 6/93; C Trib, Jul 7/93)

John Bolton, a pioneer in radio astronomy, died at Buderim in Queensland, Australia. He was 71. Bolton was credited with having discovered, in 1947, the first radio "stars," galaxies that broadcast incredibly strong signals in radio wave length. (NY Times, Jul 20/93)

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