Jun 1 1985
From The Space Library
After its 1979 Jupiter encounter and 1980 Saturn encounter, Voyager 1 at 12 noon EDT June 1 was 2,095,063,224 miles from earth and 2,170,849,615 miles from the sun, Omni reported. Voyager 2, after Jupiter and Saturn encounters in 1979 and 1981, respectively, on June 1 was 1,499,732,272 miles from earth, 1,593,867,481 miles from the sun, and 187,782,284 miles from Uranus.
At 12 noon EDT June 14, Pioneer 10, which encountered Jupiter in 1973 and was the first spacecraft to leave the solar system, was 3,410,823,980 miles from earth and 3,319,306,400 miles from the sun. (Omni, June 85, 28)
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