Jun 27 1985
From The Space Library
The U.S. Senate passed by voice vote H.R. 1714, the NASA Authorization Bill for FY 86, NASA's Legislative Activities Report noted. As passed, the bill embraced the concept of a budget freeze at the FY 85 level of $7.510 billion; however, it also provided for three specific augmentations that totaled $142 million, accounting for a FY 86 growth of 1.9%.
Among the authorizations for research and development were $200,000,000 for the space station, $477,200,000 for space transportation capability development, and $608,400,000 for physics and astronomy.
Spaceflight, control, and data communications authorizations included $941,500,000 for Space Shuttle production and operational capability; $1,700,100,000 for space transportation operations; and $745,300,000 for space and ground network, communications, and data systems.
Among the authorizations for space transportation facilities were $14,000,000 for construction of an orbiter modification and refurbishment facility at Kennedy Space Center (KSC), $3,600,000 for construction of a thermal protection system facility at KSC, and $6,500,000 for modification of enhanced life support systems testing at Marshall Space Flight Center. (NASA Legislative Activities Report, June 27/85, 1)
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