Mar 15 1994

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Volodymyr Gorbulin, head of Ukraine's space agency, appealed to the West for full space research cooperation to save Ukraine's aeronautics industry from collapse. Gorbulin expressed disappointment that NASA officials had refused to discuss joint space construction at talks in Kiev the following week because Ukraine had not yet signed international agreements on proliferation of advanced rocket technology. (Reuters, Mar 15/94)

Russia's Interfax news agency reported that the previous week a fire had destroyed a control facility at the Baikonur cosmodrome in Kazakhstan. Experts stated, however, that launches would not he affected. (AP, Mar 15/94)

NASA Space Shuttle Director Tom Utsman announced NASA's intent to accomplish all major modification work on the Space Shuttle fleet at Rockwell International's facility in Palmdale, California. The decision resulted from expanding requirements associated with the Russian cooperative effort, the ability to support future operations of the International Space Station, and the desire to continue to prelaunch process the Shuttle orbiters for flight at the Kennedy Space Center, Florida. (NASA Release 94-44; Antelope Valley Daily News, Mar 16/94; Antelope Valley Press, Mar 16/94; Fla Today, Mar 19/94; Av Wk, Mar 21/94)

Naval Academy graduate Wendy B. Lawrence was scheduled to fly on Space Shuttle Columbia in December. After earning a master's degree in ocean engineering at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, she taught physics at the Naval Academy. (Capitol, Mar 15/94)

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