Mar 2 1994
From The Space Library
NASA announced the postponement of the launch of Space Shuttle Columbia until March 4 because of a severe storm. (AP, Mar 2/94; Reuters, Mar 2/94; NY Times, Mar 3/94; P Inq, Mar 3/94; USA Today, Mar 3/94)
Clementine spacecraft, launched January 25 from Vandenberg Air Force Base, California, took just released high-resolution color photographs of the Moon. The purposes of the spacecraft were to test anti-missile military technology and explore space. Reportedly, the pictures, which were available to the public, were of high quality and the cost of the program was relatively low. (Reuters, Mar 2/94; W Times, Mar 20/94)
Businessman James Robertson of James M. Beggs Associates consulting firm of Arlington, Virginia, pleaded guilty to accepting inside bid information involving NASA contracts at Johnson Space Center, Houston. (AP, Mar 2/94)
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