Nov 9 1992

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NASA announced that it would help sponsor the third national technology transfer conference and exposition in Baltimore December 1-3, 1992. TECHNOLOGY 2002 was scheduled to highlight leading-edge technologies from NASA and other Federal agencies which U.S. industry could use to develop new or improved products and processes. (NASA Release 92-199)

Teledyne Industries paid a record $17.5 million in criminal fines for falsifying tests on electronic relay switches used in high-tech weapons and space-craft, including the Space Shuttle. Teledyne pleaded guilty to 35 criminal counts. (W Times, Nov 10/92; WSJ, Nov 10/92; USA Today, Nov 10/92; AP, Nov 9/92; UPI, Nov 9/92)

A report for the Aerospace Industries Association said U.S. aerospace manufacturers would cut at least 78,000 jobs in 1992 and that sales would decline for the first time in more than 20 years. (W Post, Nov 10/92).

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