Oct 5 1991

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William B. Lenoir said NASA's manned space flight division must cut expenses by three percent each year in the next five years to save $1 billion. The last alternative would be to reduce the number of space flights but that would be "a couple of years away." Later media comments indicated that NASA's budgetary discipline and the slimming down of the Space Station plans appeared to be paying off for NASA in relation to Congress. (AP, Oct 5/91; Av Wk, Oct 21/91; W Post, Oct 28/91)

The Baltimore Sun published an article quoting Richard Stotarski, research scientist at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center, concerning ozone depletion. He stated that the hole in the ozone layer over the Antarctic failed to shrink as was hoped. He wondered whether the same might occur over the North Pole and indicated the need to understand the limits under which ozone depletion occurred. Subsequently, NASA announced the findings of its Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer, which indicated the ozone depletion in Antarctica was almost as severe as the record year of 1987. (B Sun, Oct 5/91; NASA Release 91-165; AP, Oct 9/91; UPI, Oct 9/91; NY Times, Oct 10/91; USA Today, Oct 10/91; CSM, Oct 10/91; W Post, Oct 11/91)

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