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Displaying 1—10 of 1000 matches for query "Dolan,_Thomas_E." retrieved in 0.002 sec with these stats:

  • "dolan" found 22 times in 10 documents
  • "thoma" found 1689 times in 1323 documents
  • "e" found 6413 times in 4071 documents

REDIRECT Thomas E. Dolan Category:Engineer
... = Thomas Dolan titlestyle = image = Image:ThomasEDolan.jpg 200px imagestyle = caption = Thomas E. Dolan ca. 1960 captionstyle = headerstyle = background: ccf; labelstyle = background: ddf; datastyle = text-align:right; header1 = label1 = data1 = header2 = label2 = Birth Name data2 = Thomas E. Dolan header3 ... = United States of America label9 = Notable Works data9 = ''Program Costs for a Manned Space Station'' Thomas Dolan was a combat pilot in the USAF during WWII. After the war he earned a ...
Thomas E. Diegelman is a NASA civil servant in the Mission Operations Directorate at the Johnson Space ...
... Chapter 25 ''' '''Efficient, Affordable Explorations Operations: Crew Centered Control via Operations Infrastructure ''' '''By Thomas E. Diegelman, Richard E. Eckelkamp and David J. Korsmeyer ''' A significant challenge facing NASA's new explorations initiative to ... University Press, 2002; ISBN 0-8018-6898-X, pg. 130 -135 About the Authors Thomas E. Diegelman Richard E. Eckelkamp David Korsmeyer Extracted from the book ''Beyond Earth - The Future of Humans in ...
... specific task.) '''2) interoperability '''- use components of robotics in multiple machines, both robotic & non-robotic, e.g., power supplies, computers, limbs, end effectors, wiring harnesses, ... '''3) market choice '''- use commercial-off ... , Johnson Space Center, January through April, 2005 (12) Compressed High Density Television (13) Conversations with Thomas E Ohnesorge, Advanced Operations Development, Johnson Space Center, March through October, 2005 (14) Conversations with Ellen ...
... extremely painstaking. We are going to have to start doing a lot of things differently." '' Thomas Friedman; , above, page 278 Real Estate Developer James Rouse once observed that creating new cities ... that have global developed economies. For instance, Thomas Friedman has observed that "China's real long-term strategy is to outrace America and the E uropean U nion countries to the economic ...
A series of books published between 1960 and 1968 by noted journalist and commentator Shirley Thomas, featuring biographies of some of the preeminent space scientists of the era. Published in eight ... . Schriever Theodore von Karman James A. van Allen Konstantin E. Tsiolkovsky '''Volume 2''' Fred L. Whipple Walter R. Dornberger Hugh L. Dryden Thomas F. Dixon Simon Ramo Edward Teller William H. Pickering ...
... Infobox bodystyle = float:right; valign:top; title = Andrew S. W. Thomas titlestyle = image = Image:Astronaut_thomas.jpg 200px imagestyle = caption = Andrew S. W. Thomas captionstyle = headerstyle = background: ccf; labelstyle = background: ddf; datastyle = text ... , running, wind surfing, and classical guitar playing. His father, Adrian C. Thomas, resides in Hackham, South Australia. His mother, Mary E. Thomas, resides in North Adelaide, South Australia. Education Received a bachelor of ...
... , there was the point where Gus Grissom and Wally Walter M. Schirra Jr. and Tom Thomas P. Stafford and them would come directly to me to talk about problems rather than ... with Barton, B-A-R-T-O-N, in capital letters, dash, Free, F-R-E-E, dash, Way. It was put on a dark green background with black letters. I think ... as much as it was already pre-developed by, at that time we had TRW, Thomas-Ramo-Woolridge, as you know, was an advisory team to the Air Force that did ...
... Thomas V. Chambers - Interviewed by Kevin M. Rusnak''' '''Huntsville, Texas – 20 January 2000''' '''Rusnak:''' Today is ... was in that lab. I was descended upon from all sides, program office, my own E&D Engineering and Development Directorate management, and Jim Chamberlin used to call me every morning ...

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