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Displaying 1—10 of 63 matches for query "Jacques_Blamont" retrieved in 0.000 sec with these stats:
- "jacqu" found 99 times in 66 documents
- "blamont" found 8 times in 8 documents
Above numbers may include documents not listed due to search options.
... Infobox
bodystyle = float:right; valign:top;
title = David Saint-Jacques
titlestyle =
image = Image:Astronaut_saint-jacques.jpg 200px
imagestyle =
caption = David Saint-Jacques
captionstyle =
headerstyle = background: ccf;
labelstyle = background: ddf;
datastyle = text-align:right;
header1 =
label1 =
data1 =
header2 =
label2 = Birth Name
data2 = David Saint-Jacques
header3 =
label3 = Birth Date
data3 = Jan 6 1970
header4 =
label4 = Birth Place
data4 =
label5 = Date ...
... Infobox
bodystyle = float:right; valign:top;
title = Jean-Jacques Favier
titlestyle =
image = Image:Astronaut_favier.jpg 200px
imagestyle =
caption = Jean-Jacques Favier
captionstyle =
headerstyle = background: ccf;
labelstyle = background: ddf;
datastyle = text-align:right;
header1 =
label1 =
data1 =
header2 =
label2 = Birth Name
data2 = Jean-Jacques Favier
header3 =
label3 = Birth Date
data3 = Apr 13 1949
header4 =
label4 = Birth Place
data4 =
label5 ...
REDIRECT Jean-Jacques Favier
REDIRECT David Saint-Jacques
... 100hr collecting data, and the USSR would design an orbiter weighing more than 600kg (13221b). Jacques Blamont, chief scientist for the French space agency CNES (Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales), said a ...
... . Schjeldahl Corp. designed and built the ball for the Aerospace Corp. for the ATMOSAT project. Jacques Blamont of France's Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales (CNES) had proposed the concept. ( JPL Universe ...
... 's orbiter apparently saw this lightning also; experimenters Dr. Boris Ragent of ARC and Dr. Jacques Blamont of the University of Paris now theorized that a glow measured by Pioneer instruments was ...
... SETI (re search for extraterrestrial intelligence ) project.
Author of "Disturbing the Universe," Dyson would join Jacques Blamont of France, Klaus Hasselmann of Germany, Giuseppe Colombo of Italy, Michael Longuet-Higgins of the ...
... 8'''
R.L.F. Boyd
G.K.C. Pardoe
Max Mayer
Jacob Ackert
Pierre Auger
Jacques Blamont
Arthur C. Clarke
A.V. Cleaver
Jean Coulomb
Robert Esnault-Pelterie
Bernard Lovell
Harrie Massey ...
... computer, would occur three more times during the flight. ''(NASA Release 67-229)''
Prof. Jacques-Emile Blamont of the University of Paris would receive the International Academy of Astronautics' (IAA) 1967 Daniel ...
Additional database time was 0.037 sec.
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