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Displaying 1—9 of 9 matches for query "Sociedade_Interplanetaria_Brasileira" retrieved in 0.000 sec with these stats:

  • "sociedad" found 5 times in 4 documents
  • "interplanetaria" found 6 times in 5 documents
  • "brasileira" found 5 times in 5 documents

The Brazilian Interplanetary Society was formed in 1953 in Sao Paulo by Thomas Pedro Bun, a Hungarian physicist. Other founding members were: Zoltan Dudus, engineer, architect, philosopher and amateur astronomer. José Nicolini, a scholar of interplanetary subjects. Jeronimo Monteiro, writer and journalist. Ladislau Deutsch, enthusiast of astronomy. J.Reis, writer and journalist. Category ...
... the VfR) Eugen Sänger (Austrian who pioneered winged spacecraft) Irene Sänger-Bredt '''Argentinean Interplanetary Society''' (Sociedad Argentina Interplanetaria) Teofilo Tabanera '''Austrian Society for Space Research''' (Oesterreichische Gesellschaft Für WeltraumForschung) Ferdinand Cap Hans ... Michael W. Ovenden Anthony Kunesch A.E. Dixon Ralph A. Smith '''Argentinean Interplanetary Society''' (Sociedad Argentina Interplanetaria) Teofilo Tabanera '''Austrian Society for Space Research''' (Oesterreichische Gesellschaft Für WeltraumForschung) F. Hecht '''Society for ...
... International Astronautical Congress in London England. Founding countries and their delegates included: Argentina: Teofilo Tabanera - Sociedad Argentina Interplanetaria (SAI) Austria: F. Hecht - Oesterreichische Gesellschaft für Weltraumforschung (OGfW) France: Alexandre Ananoff - Groupement Astronautique ...
... . 98 - Sikorsky, Igor 19 - Slater, A. 45 - Smith, R. A. 45 - Smithsonian Institution 126 - Sociedad Argentina Interplanetaria 100, 142 - Societé de Prospection Electrique 44 - Solarkonstante 56 - Sonne (Durchmesser, Entfernung) 55 - Sonnenenergie-Konzentration ...
... Angeles Times, “Brazil Succeeds in Sending First Rocket to Space,” 24 October 2004; Agénica Espacial Brasileira Brazilian Space Agency , “Foguetes de Sondagem Survey of Rockets ,” ...
... Russian spacecraft also transported astronaut Marcos C. Pontes of the Brazilian space agency, Agência Espacial Brasileira (AEB), who had joined NASA as an international astronaut in 1998. Pontes, the first Brazilian ...
... Instituto Technologico de Aeronautica; received the Space and Aeronautics Institute Award and the EMBRAER (Empresa Brasileira de Aeronautica) Award in 1994 for Test Pilot Training. Air Force University Award in 1995 ...
... W. Gatland K.W. Gatland Development of Rocket Flight 113 - A Criticism of I Viaggi Interplanetaria Par Mezzo Delle Radiazioni Solari 117 - D.F. Lawden Initial Arc of Trajectory of Departure ...
... America, NASA Administrator Charles Bolden Thursday signed two cooperative Earth science agreements with Agencia Espacial Brasileira (AEB), NASA's counterpart space agency in Brazil. One agreement formalizes NASA-AEB scientific collaboration ...

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