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From The Space Library
Displaying 1—10 of 171 matches for query "Willy_Ley" retrieved in 0.000 sec with these stats:
- "willi" found 422 times in 174 documents
- "ley" found 771 times in 117 documents
Above numbers may include documents not listed due to search options.
... fandom honored Willy Ley as a person of excellence.
Willy Ley – Berliner, Raketenpionier, Weltraumhistoriker
by/von Dr. Wolfgang Both, Berlin
"Ideas, like large Rivers, never have just one Source."
Dieses Zitat von Willy Ley „Ideen haben ... Vereins – angeschrieben. So wurde Willy Ley im August 1927 Mitglied Nr. 20 in diesem neuen Verein der Weltraumenthusiasten.
Willy Ley und der Verein für Raumschiffahrt
Nach Beendigung seiner Studien nahm Willy Ley seine publizistische Tätigkeit auf ...
... fandom honored Willy Ley as a person of excellence.
Willy Ley – Berliner, Rocket Pioneer, Space Historian
by Dr. Wolfgang Both , Berlin
"Ideas, like large Rivers, never have just one Source."
This quote from Willy Ley "ideas ... association. So in August 1927, Willy Ley became member no. 20 in this new club of space enthusiasts.
Willy Ley and the Verein für Raumschiffahrt
After completing his studies, Willy Ley began his publishing activities. In ...
... a table of mathematical abbreviations, which would, however, have been placed better at the start.
Willy Ley 1929
REDIRECT Willy Ley – Berliner, Rocket Pioneer, Space Historian by Wolfgang Both
... Infobox
bodystyle = float:right; valign:top;
title = Otto Willi Gail
titlestyle =
image = Image:Otto_Willi_Gail.jpg 200px
imagestyle =
caption = Otto Willi Gail ca. 1928
captionstyle =
headerstyle = background: ccf;
labelstyle = background: ddf;
datastyle = text-align:right;
header1 =
label1 =
data1 =
header2 =
label2 = Birth Name
data2 = Otto Willi Gail
header3 =
label3 = Birth Date
data3 = Jul 18 1896
header4 =
label4 = Birth Place
data4 = Gunzenhausen ...
... pages, $6.75 (1961 edition).''
This is the revised and expanded edition of the standard Ley work that thoroughly covers the history of rocketry and astronautical concepts, with detailed attention being ...
by Ley, W.
''New York, 1949: Viking Press, 160 pages, $4.95''
Conquest of Space contains classic ...
... ROCKETS'''
by Ley, W.
''New York, 1944: Viking Press, 287 pages, OP''
This is the original title of ...
by Ley, W. and W. von Braun
''New York, 1956: Viking Press, 176 pages, $4.95''
The ...
REDIRECT Otto Willi Gail
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