Jun 27 1985

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The U.S. Senate passed by voice vote H.R. 1714, the NASA Authorization Bill for FY 86, NASA's Legislative Activities Report noted. As passed, the bill embraced the concept of a budget freeze at the FY 85 level of $7.510 billion; however, it also provided for three specific augmentations that totaled $142 million, accounting for a FY 86 growth of 1.9%.

Among the authorizations for research and development were $200,000,000 for the space station, $477,200,000 for space transportation capability development, and $608,400,000 for physics and astronomy.

Spaceflight, control, and data communications authorizations included $941,500,000 for Space Shuttle production and operational capability; $1,700,100,000 for space transportation operations; and $745,300,000 for space and ground network, communications, and data systems.

Among the authorizations for space transportation facilities were $14,000,000 for construction of an orbiter modification and refurbishment facility at Kennedy Space Center (KSC), $3,600,000 for construction of a thermal protection system facility at KSC, and $6,500,000 for modification of enhanced life support systems testing at Marshall Space Flight Center. (NASA Legislative Activities Report, June 27/85, 1)

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