Jun 2 1986

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Researchers at the Construction Technology Laboratory found that concrete made from lunar soil, which contains no organic substances, was five per-cent stronger than high-strength Earth concrete. Because NASA planners anticipated a return to the Moon in the 21st century to establish a permanent lunar base, the concept of lunar building materials was a valuable asset when the cost of otherwise transporting them was considered. (NASA Release 86-68)

Satellite remote sensing technology, NASA-developed software for processing satellite imagery, was used by scientists and medical researchers at NASA's National Space Technology Laboratories in conjunction with nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) for enhancement of disease diagnosis. NMR, sensitive to soft tissue and superior to x-rays and CAT Scans, is a technology that has been around since the 1940s, but previously had not been used as a diagnostic tool. (NASA Release 86-69)

The Presidential Commission investigating the Challenger accident released its report, two hundred pages, plus appendices, that recommended reorganization of NASA's management structure. Other changes cited by the Commission included more rigid quality control, reorganization of the lines of communication in the NASA chain of command, a larger role for NASA astronauts in Shuttle matters, and a Shuttle escape system. By the time these conclusions were announced, the report had been sent to the printers; it was scheduled to be on President Ronald Reagan's desk by June 9. (Report of the Presidential Commission on the Space Shuttle Challenger Accident; W Post, Jun 3/86; Jun 10/86; B Sun, Jun 3/86; Jun 10/86; NY Times, Jun 4/86; Jun 10/86; WSJ, Jun 4/86; Jun 10/86)

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