Oct 25 1991

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The Washington Post highlighted Japan's rocket industry, which after 30 years of sending the country's own payloads into space, was preparing to win rights to launch foreign satellites. Its H-11 was a heavy-lifter rock-et, which should be ready for test flight in 1993, according to Hiroshi Imamura, executive vice president of Rocket System Corporation. (W Post, Oct 25/91)

According to the press, two members of the House subcommittee that over-sees NASA spending, Chairman Bob Traxler, Democrat of Michigan, and ranking minority member Bill Green, Republican of New York, asked NASA Administrator Richard Truly why NASA did not buy a Mir Space Station or other technology from the Soviet Union. NASA replied that the U.S. aerospace industry would not like it. (AP, Oct 25/91; B Sun, Oct 26/91; LA Times, Oct 27/91)

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