Nov 25 1992

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The National Technology Transfer Center announced that it had launched the Strategic Partnership Initiative to fund proposals with matching awards of up to $200,000 for the purpose of fostering new and productive technology transfer and commercialization partnerships between Federal laboratories and U.S. industry, research universities, and State and local non-profit organizations. (NASA Release 92-209)

With just over three years left before construction of Space Station Freedom begins in Earth orbit, NASA announced that it would add spacewalks to upcoming Shuttle flights when possible, beginning with one during STS-54 in January 1993. (NASA Release 92-210)

Meeting in Copenhagen, the United Nations environmental conference agreed to phase out some ozone-destroying gases by the end of 1995, four years ahead of a previous deadline. Delegates agreed to phase-out chlorofluorocarbons by 1995 instead of 1999 and to eliminate halons by 1994, six years ahead of a previous deadline, and methyl chloroform by 1996 instead of 2005. (W Post, Nov 26/92; The Sun, Nov 26/92)

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