Oct 25 1991

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Space News for this day. (1MB PDF)

The Washington Post highlighted Japan's rocket industry, which after 30 years of sending the country's own payloads into space, was preparing to win rights to launch foreign satellites. Its H-11 was a heavy-lifter rock-et, which should be ready for test flight in 1993, according to Hiroshi Imamura, executive vice president of Rocket System Corporation. (W Post, Oct 25/91)

According to the press, two members of the House subcommittee that over-sees NASA spending, Chairman Bob Traxler, Democrat of Michigan, and ranking minority member Bill Green, Republican of New York, asked NASA Administrator Richard Truly why NASA did not buy a Mir Space Station or other technology from the Soviet Union. NASA replied that the U.S. aerospace industry would not like it. (AP, Oct 25/91; B Sun, Oct 26/91; LA Times, Oct 27/91)

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