Aug 27 1991

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Michael Griffin, deputy for technology at the Pentagon's Strategic Defense Initiative Organization, said that the reason the Aries rocket of Orbital Sciences Corporation had to be destroyed when it went off course on August 20 was that a technician loaded the wrong computer program into the rocket's guidance unit. The matter would be investigated. (P Inq, Aug 27/91; W Times, Aug 27/91; W Post, Aug 27/91; NY Times, Aug 27/91; USA Today, Aug 27/91; LA Times, Aug 27/91; AP, Aug 27/91)

NASA's Lewis Research Center, Cleveland, the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, and the Ohio Aerospace Institute announced the cosponsorship of a conference on Advanced Space Exploration Initiative (SEI) Technologies at the Cleveland Convention Center September 4-6. The conference is to be part of the Lewis Center's 50th anniversary celebration. (NASA Release 91-140)

The Wall Street Journal featured two inventors, of whom one, Khanh Dinh of Vietnamese origin, with NASA's assistance, developed an innovative heat pipe technology. His company won a NASA contract to work on the heat-removal system for the Space Shuttle and also won a federal award for helping to commercialize space technology. (WSJ, Aug 27/91)

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