Aug 6 1991

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Extensive media coverage of experiments performed by the astronauts aboard Atlantis continued. Among such experiments were the testing of equipment to be used on the Space Station, such as fiber optic cables to transmit signals, a cooling system, and modifications in controls for computers. Another experiment involved lighting a small fire to learn how flames propagate in the absence of gravity. In addition, a NASA optometrist tested eye drops on himself and astronauts performed treadmill tests and blood experiments. Astronauts commented on the large amount of haze around the Earth, possibly from the Kuwaiti oil field fires or from the volcanic eruptions of Mount Pinatubo. (P Inq, Aug 6/91; NY Times, Aug 6/91; W Times, Aug 6/91; W Post, Aug 6/91; USA Today, Aug 6/91; AP, Aug 6/91; UPI, Aug 6/91; P Inq, Aug 7/91; W Times, Aug 7/91; W Post, Aug 7/91; USA Today, Aug 7/91; AP, Aug 7/91; UPI, Aug 7/91; P Inq, Aug 8/91; NY Times, Aug 8/91; W Post, Aug 8/91; USA Today, Aug 8/91; CSM, Aug 8/91; AP, Aug 8/91; UPI, Aug 8/91; B Sun, Aug 9/91; W Times, Aug 9/91; AP, Aug 9/91; UPI, Aug 9/91)

NASA announced that the Johnson Space Center, Houston, had made a supplemental agreement to the contract with McDonnell Douglas Space Systems Company, Huntington Beach, California. The modification included the changes made in Space Station Freedom Program review activities. (NASA Release 91-124)

Randy Berridge of the Astronauts Memorial Foundation stated that the memorial to American astronauts killed in the line of duty was closed for inspections after strange noises were heard coming from the monument. After engineers checked the structure, it reopened on August 17. Subsequently, Representative Vernon Peeples, chairman of the Florida House Transportation Committee, questioned whether money for the monument had been misused. (UPI, Aug 6/91; P Inq, Aug 7/91; W Post, Aug 7/91; USA Today, Aug 7/91; LA Times, Aug 19/91; P Inq, Aug 20/91)

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