Aug 5 1991

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NASA announced a number of contract arrangements. A contract extension was awarded to Vitro Corporation of Silver Spring, Maryland, to continue safety and support services at NASA Headquarters in Washington, D.C. NASA further selected Nichols Research Corporation, Huntsville, Alabama, and BDM Federal, Inc., McLean, Virginia, to compete for a support contract for the Earth Observing System Program Office in Washington. In addition, NASA's Johnson Space Center, Houston, contracted with Johnson Controls, Inc., Cape Canaveral, Florida to provide maintenance and operational services at Johnson. (NASA Releases C91-dd, C91-ee, C91-ff)

NASA announced that on July 15 at its Ames-Dryden Flight Research Facility, Edwards, California, NASA's F/A-18 High-Alpha Research Vehicle maneuvered in flight for the first time using a specially designed thrust vectoring system. Such research flights were to continue over the next two years and were designed to make future jet fighters safer. (NASA Release 91-123)

An editorial in Aviation Week and Space Technology, commended U.S. government-sponsored educational displays at the Experimental Aircraft Association's exhibition at Oshkosh, Wisconsin. It specifically complimented NASA's Space Station and Space Shuttle displays and astronaut Steve Nagel's presentations as effectively communicating U.S. space leadership. (AV Wk, Aug 5/91)

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